Lost & Found
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Lost and Found - Claim Procedure
Lost and Found items if not claimed by any person within three months and of perishable nature within 24 hours , then the same would be disposed of or as deemed fit as per SOP.
If you have misplaced any of your belongings during your travel we are here to help you. Please follow the simple process.
If you have misplaced any of your belongings during your travel we are here to help you. Please follow the simple process.
1. Confirm the lost items
Confirm whether the article you have misplaced/lost is retrieved by the Airport Terminal or not by calling on 9933307863 or mail us on terminal@bengalaero.com
2. Inform Us
Once you get proper information that your lost article is with us, please mail us on terminal@bengalaero.com at least 12 hours prior to claim, giving a brief description about your lost item and do not forget to attach your travel proof (Boarding Pass Copy) and photo ID proof copy with the mail.
3. Collect your own
If you are coming to collect the lost item on your own, visit/call us, giving proper identification of the item. If you have lost any of your electronic display device (such as mobile, tablet or laptop) then you need to unlock the same in front of the airport terminal official.
4. Authorize someone to collect
- If you are unable to collect the item yourself, you can authorize someone to collect the same on your behalf. For that you need to mention the name of the person you are authorizing on claim mail.
- Person who is coming to collect the item on behalf of you,mandatorily needs to submit his/her ID copy.
- In case of valuables, authorized person must answer toall our cross check and for electronics items also needs to unlock the same with the password in front of Airport official.
5. Fill & Sign
In process, passenger/authorized person must fill up our Lost & Found Claim form and sign on the statement at our Lost & Found Register acknowledging receipt.
6. The Claim Process
The claim process will take minimum 30 mins to one hour. Please cooperate with our official to serve you better.
7. Security Removed Articles (SRA)
Security Removed Articles at the time of security check has to be collected within 07(seven) days from the date of departure by providing boarding pass and any government approved photo id as a proof of travel. No claims will be entertained after the stipulated period.
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